Rock of Ages Concert
In 1997, after staging many ancient music concerts, Country/Bluegrasses, a Fifth of July concert, and various Thanksgiving and Christmas seasonal presentations, it was decided to mount a concert of contemporary Christian music and "gospel rock." There would be no oratorio, no madrigals, no motets, no high church anthems, and no old time gospel songs. The youth of the church were in agreement: it was time. For the record, RCC's youth was a musically sophisticated group, attending all the concerts with enthusiasm, but this concert was dedicated to the youth, and they responded favorably. Below are selections from Rock of Ages, which also served as our Easter season concert:
He Is the One (music arr. and comp. MR): MR wrote this song for this concert hence, this is the only recording in existence. It opened up this concert, and with the song are a few opening words by MR. Noteable are the fine background vocals by Jan, Patty Pluto, Annette Chapel, Becky Spence, and Jane Schoch and John Flynt. Dale Chapel is on drums, and Katie is playing synth/bass. Diane is at the piano.
Behold, the Man (Jimmy Owens): Katie Burdick sings the solo in this contemporary Christian anthem. The choir managed to find some good choral pieces for this concert. This rendition is the more excellent of the two on this site (also see: Palm Sunday/Easter Music). To hear Katie sing a wonderful soprano air from Messiah, click on the button here.
Not My Will But Thine (music arr. & comp. John Flynt) John displays his tremendous musical scope as he accompanies himself on piano to one of his fine contemporary Christian compositions. You can hear John sing a Messiah tenor recit. and air. If there's any doubt that this man can sing anything. Click the Messiah Concerts button above.
He Is Not Here! (Russell Nagy): This Easter themed contemporary anthem was perfect for this concert. It gives the choir a chance to air it out on a fine choral piece. Diane is at the Yamaha 6' 1" grand piano, which has fiber optic sensors under every key, giving the mid-sized acoustic grand the ability to simultaneously play digital sound samples. This is the composite sound you hear: actual grand piano and synchonized digital organ.
Jesus Freak: The youth were asked to suggest a song from one of the young bands that were famous in Christian circles for their harder gospel rock. They agreed on this song by D.C. Talk. The choir's aged in-house band was called "Methuselah." Only 28-yr. old Dale Chapel, who sings the rap solos and plays drums on
on this piece, lowered the average age to under 45. Here is Methuselah doing "Jesus Freak" as best old fogeys can. MR plays (acoustic!) guitar (at least it's plugged in!) and sings the verse solos. Patty Pluto provides great back vocals, Katie plays synth and the bass line, and Diane rocks out on piano. The youth, who were moshing as a group, were very gracious in pretending we were not actual Methuselahs, which we were. However, it should be noted that, during this song, a mature couple walked out on the concert, and that had never happened to us before, therefore, we must have succeeded in being,..well, over-provocative.
Day By Day : This folk rock song from "Godspell" (1971 - Schwartz-Tebelak) is sung excellently by the in-house Christian rock band "Methuselah" (we were mostly, well,..not real youghish) in our Rock of Ages Concert, 1996. MR is on guitar, Dale Chapel on drums, and Diane Maltby on organ. Vocalists are Katie Anderson, Becky Spence, Jan Eaton, Patty Pluto, John Flynt and MR.
My Shepherd Became a Lamb: (Music: Mark Hayes; Lyrics, John Parker) This anthem, from "Rock of Ages, 1996," is an excellently performed choral piece, with poignant lyrics describing the irony of Jesus' path from "The Good Shepherd" to the sacrificial Lamb. . Piano, Diane Maltby.
Rock of My Savation: The choir sings this very apt praise song and succeeds in sounding much like a seasoned vocal group. On the 2nd verse, the altos, tenors and basses set up a responsive answer to the soprano lead.Piano, Diane Maltby; organ, Debbie Knaus; precussion, Dale Chapel; guitar, MR.
Worthy Is the Lamb - This is the contemporary Christian anthem, sung by the RCC choir in the Rock of Ages concert. Oddly, the stereo spectrum implodes to monaural from a much wider spread in the midst of the performance. We presume the sound engineer left the recording array to get refreshments. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow do!
Is It I, Lord - RCC choir in concert, Diane Maltby, piano
Mighty God Medley - RCC choir in concert - Dale Chapel, percussion; Diane Maltby, piano