Master Personnel Directory - A through D
Michael Roy: This directory attempts to list the huge number of musicians who performed under my direction in the choirs, vocal groups, and instrumental ensembles back in the early days, and also over the 18 years between 1990 (the beginning of the RCC era) and 2008 (the end of the Immanuel era). Most are here with at least a brief biographical description. The description may afford you a song title or some other clue where the individual is featured. Use the grey "Where to Find It" buttons to look up selections in the audio file and photographic index.
* Deceased, RIP
Agosto, Josh - RCC Choir - baritone-tenor. Sang the rousing La Bamba solo in "Folk Medley,"
Hear it here (2nd song in)---->
Barish, Sheila (Marchant) - Michael Roy's singing partner back in the old days. Sheila was a rare
vocal range: lyric coloratura. She was also a fine actor and appeared in many operas and musicals
in the South FL area. including The Magic Flute and My Fair Lady. Michael Roy was also in those
productions, singing the part of Papageno in Magic Flute, and Freddie to her Eliza Doolittle.
In addition to her singing and acting skills, she is also a fine pianist.
To hear the duet selections of Michael and Sheila, go here:------------->
Clink here to find---------->
Click here to go to the Michael Roy Singers pages ------->
Cotton, Cathie - Cathie sang in the Sunday morning services and the special concerts of the RCC
music program. She is successful in real estate here in South Florida, and continues to be in close
touch with us and the former RCC choir members through Facebook.
Cowden, Dr. Mac - Mac figured largely in both the RCC choir and the Immanuel choir. At RCC, he
was a player of early instruments in our ancient concerts, and a member of the early music consort,
playing recorders, sackbut, cornetto, and serpent. He added singing tenor in the choir at Immanuel.
Nowadays, Mac still practices medicine, and has his own blues and good times band, "Mac and the
Ringbinders." He also plays trumpet and trombone. Mac spanned 25 years with us and is still a
trusted friend and fellow musician. He's the best serpent player in town,.. as he is the only one!
Pat & Tom Crompton - The Cromptons get a much-deserved actor's credit for their hilarious
and spot-on portrayal as Lovey and Thurston Howell of the "Gilligan's Island" TV comedy. The
Immanuel Singers had the TV show theme song in the program, as part of the Sea Songs
medley; Michael Roy asked certain members of the church's congregation to impersonate the
cast of the show as a lighthearted joke on the audience. The Cromptons came up with their
own costumes and props, and it couldn't have been done better.
Cuevas, Peggy - Peggy was a soprano in the Immanuel choir, and did many of the special concerts
with us before relocating to TX with her husband. Her serious look in this photo belies her great
congeniality. Peggy enjoys her horses in TX, and is an avid equestrian.
Cupp, Bob* - Bob was at the beginning: in the original vocal quartet that preceded the Michael Roy
singers, in 1970. He was the tenor vocalist and played guitar with Michael Roy. This quartet was
all in-residence at the First Unit. Methodist Church of South Miami (where Michael Roy met Jan!).
Everything that followed later had its genesis in this first pioneer quartet.
Click here to hear the early quartet-->
Curry, Glenda - Glenda was the soprano in that original quartet, along with Bob, Michael Roy and
Jan, the alto. She was also a brilliant pianist, with a master's degree in that instrument. Glenda had
perfect pitch, which uproariously entertained the other three of us. We tested her often, and always
she was pitch perfect! Find the one song (Go Tell it on the Mountain) that was recorded for
posterity from this early vocal group on the Michael Roy Singers pages. Click on the button below to
read about the Michael Roy Singers and the early quartet.---->
Also hear this quartet sing an multi-overdub to create a chorus
singing "Eternal Father Strong to Save," the Navy Hymn.
Dean, Cindy - Cindy was a guest singer who attended church elsewhere but came to do our
special night concerts. Only a few of these guests were asked to join our in-residence choir, and
they were all accomplished. She was not only a fine alto, singing alongside Jan in the concerts, but she
did extra duties as an actor. Here, she impersonates Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies TV show. The
bluegrass band performed the TV theme song ("The Ballad of Jed Clampett"), and as a treat for the
audience, we had the cast impersonators ready, including Duke, the bloodhound.
Click here to hear "Beverly Hillbillies Theme" ---->
De Lama Li, Anubis - Anubis, classically trained, played violin for us along with Alison Northup.
They often played in the Sun. morning choir offerings, and the two played for the Ancient & Celtic
concert, 2007.
DeLange, Dan* - Dan was a very able chorister in the bass section in the RCC choir, and often had the choir out to his large home and estate in Homestead, FL for parties and fellowship. He passed away in March of 2018. He was an elder and an avid supporter and friend of the music program.
Delange, Joyce* - Joyce was a skilled member of a stellar alto section. Back in the early '90's, She
and Dan offered their home and estate for choir parties.
Diaz, Alex - Alex was another one of our very few guest performers in the special night concerts.
Alex was a tenor who regularly sang at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, where Jan taught for 25 yrs.
In this photo, he is in Renaissance attire for the Ancient & Celtic Concert, 2007.
Dobson, Walter - Walter was a bass in the Immanuel choir, and he was Michael Roy's righthand man
for all kinds of special work, esp. for the concerts. He was not only a good reading and singing bass,
but he was always there to help with the staging, sound EQ, and concert setups. He was the type of
guy a music director depends on, and he was always congenial in the hard work of putting on special
concerts. Come a Sunday morning, he was likewise faithful to be there for the choir music.
Baron, Sally - Immanuel Choir - alto. Sally was a first-rate singer and Jan's section-mate and good
friend through the Immanual era and beyond. Her husband Frank did a lot of professional photo-
graphy for us.
Baumel, Lynn* - From the 70's through the RCC era, Lynn was an early instrumentalist in the
consorts that accompanied the chamber choirs in the ancient concerts. She played violas da
gamba, recorders and reeds. The early music consort, "Courtly Sounds," was founded by Lynn,
and throughout the 70's and 80's her house was the rehearsal venue. Michael Roy was a member
of that ancient instrument ensemble from the beginning. May she rest in peace and thanks for all
the fun and hospitality.
Baxter, Walt* - From the 70's through the RCC era, Walt was an early instrumentalist playing in
the ancient concerts. His instruments were voice, recorders, cornetto, reeds, and baroque guitar.
He was an accomplished tenor vocalist in addition to playing a dozen ancient instruments. He also
played classical guitar. May this versatile and talented man rest in peace
Beers, Anna - Anna and husband Will came to Immanuel Presbyterian to spend the
last year with us before the choral program was omitted. She was an excellent addition
to the soprano section, and also brought her skills as a seamstress. especially in period
attire. She provided many of the Ren. era costumes for our 2007 Ancient & Celtic concert.
Beers, Will - I had known Will as a teen back at RCC. It was fun to be able to have him
in my program for even a brief time. He was a talented tenor with good musicality.
Brockhouse, Elaine - Immanuel Choir - Elaine was part of our stellar soprano section
for all four years. She was (and is) a volunteer at Fairchild Botanical Tropical Gradens.
Busch, Frank - RCC choir - Redland Singers - Immanuel Choir - baritone. Frank was one of
several who participated in all three choirs: RCC, Redlands Singers, and Immanuel over the years.
Anderson, Katie - RCC Choir - Redland Singers - Immanuel Choir - soprano: Katie was a
soloist and section leader for the full eleven years at the RCC church. She was with the
Redland Singers for its two years of transitory existence, and was a guest singer at
Immanuel. She was also the organist at RCC. In this venue, there is not room to list all
of her solos and her impact on the music: you will find her selections on virtually every
one of the RCC pages. She is, simply put, one of the finest sacred sopranos in the nation.
Chadderton, Harry - Immanuel - actor: Harry, a very choir-supportative elder, never sang or
played a note in the Immanuel music program, but it was impossible to omit him from
this personnel directory: his portrayal of Barney Fife in our Bluegrass Concert sketch of the
Andy Griffith Show cast was so right-on as to be scary, and hence, it was all-time hilarious.
Find and hear "The Fishin' Hole"
and skit on this page ----------->
Chapel, Annette - RCC - Annette (soprano) and Dale Chapel were an important part of the
choral music program at RCC and brought many diverse skills to the ministry. For much of
RCC era, Annette was one of a small section of five highly talented sopranos that sang every-
thing from Handel to bluegrass. Many choral directors never see such talent in their careers.
Dale Chapel was a tenor who had excellent skills on percussion and bass, both electric and
stand-up. He had a music degree, and held posts as a high school band director; he was
also a keyboard player. Dale provided all of the percussion and bass accompaniments in the
RCC concert series. Hear him sing the rap solo in "Jesus Freak," in the "Rock of Ages"
concert - while also playing the drums. Find it here --->
Chadderton, Karen - Immanuel choir - Karen, already a member of the choir when MR arrived in
Dec. of 2003, was a member of our talented Immanuel soprano section. She sang on Sunday
mornings and participated in the special night concerts publicized citywide.
Clement, Constance - Michael Roy Singers - lead singer: Connie joined the Michael Roy
Singers in 1971, and sang concerts and performed studio work throughout the 70's and early
80's. She did the Singers' Christmas Album in 1973: hear those selections by clicking on "The
Choral Man" on the opening page (Michael Roy Music), and selecting "Michael Roy Singers."
Connie was the delineating lead singer: a vast 3 - octave range, a perfect voice, dripping with
personality, and flawless interpretation. Her skill is not called a "lead singer" for nothing: she
virtually leads the vocal group and the other vocalists follow her interpretations and inflections.
Cokecroft, Gene* - Director: Gene was the director of the Miami area Barbershop Harmony
Society. In our Sing in America concert, 2005, Gene brought the singing men to Immanuel to
be a part of the show. They sang a medley of the armed forces songs, and then joined the
Immanuel Singers for a great performance of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." You can hear
that choral piece, with its combined forces by looking up the song in the "Where to Find It" index,
or click on "The Choral Man;" click on "Immanuel Choir," and look for the Sing in America concert.
Rest in peace, Gene. Click here to hear "Battle Hymn..." and men's chorus --->
Campbell, Dennis - Dennis sang bass with the choir in the early nineties before relocating north.
Cabrera, Judy - RCC Choir - Judy was an integral part of the powerful alto section at RCC for the 11-year tenure of MR.
Chapel, David - RCC choir; David sang a very helpful tenor alongside his brother in the early days of the RCC choir under MR's direction. Families are always welcome.
* Deceased. RIP