Slideshow No. 2 - Messiah Concerts - RCC Choir
Dr. Warren Broome is at the piano in this initial performance of Messiah. Added to the accompaniment are recorders, viols, harpsichord, and sackbut. In subsequent performances, only early instruments or a string/brass ensemble were employed.
In the foreground is professional recorder player, Rudolpho Guzman. He also performed in all of the ancient concerts.
Lynn Baumel and Jone Vaughn play bass viols in a Messiah concert, Parts II and III. "Viol" is short for Viola da gamba, or"the fiddle of the leg," in that the instrument is clamped between the thighs and does not touch the floor as do 'cellos.
Dr. Warren Broome is at the piano in this initial performance of Messiah. Added to the accompaniment are recorders, viols, harpsichord, and sackbut. In subsequent performances, only early instruments or a string/brass ensemble were employed.